Here you will find LINKS to recommended books, websites, products etc. These we have read, or used! If you find a broken link, please send us a message from the contact us page.
This page will be a work in progress, so please feel free to pop back from time to time.
Paulinne Delcour-Min – Author of a trilogy set of books that Tracy really enjoyed! Especially Divine Fire. Though Divine Fire is the third in the trilogy of books, you can start here if you wish. You can buy and read on your kindle here, or a paperback version can be bought at The Crystal Tree.
George Kavassilas – Our Universal Journey. George (for Tracy) has been has been THE ‘go to’ remembrance coach. I cannot recommend him highly enough! My journey of exiting “the matrix’ started at the beginning of the first lockdown in 2020. It probably took me about a year to find George’s work , but by that time I was completely ready to listen to my Soul and step on the path that I now walk.
Moonrise Crystals – An excellent site for metaphysical meaning behind crystals. This link opens to a page that has a really good chart. Go explore!