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FIVE PIECE QUARTZ PLATONIC SOLID SET. Extra Large set, each piece measuring between 65mm and 80mm. Hand carved from Brazilian Quartz. Total weight of the five piece set is 2.182 kilos.

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From Wikipedia:

Sacred geometry ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions.[1] It is associated with the belief that a god is the geometer of the world.

The Platonic solids are prominent in the philosophy of Plato, their namesake. Plato wrote about them in the dialogue Timaeus c.360 B.C. in which he associated each of the four classical elements (earth, air, water, and fire) with a regular solid.

Of the fifth Platonic solid, the dodecahedron, Plato obscurely remarked, “…the god used [it] for arranging the constellations on the whole heaven”.


The Platonic Solids are part of Sacred Geometry.

The 5 Platonic Solids that are included in this Clear Quartz Set:

The Tetrahedron (pyramid) has 4 faces, 4 vertices and 6 edges. It represents the element of fire and is associated with the solar plexus chakra, the centre of personal power and acceptance. The tetrahedron creates the natural balance between the physical and the spiritual planes and its flat sides are a symbol of stability.


The Hexahedron (also called a cube) has 6 square faces, 8 vertices and 12 edges. The hexahedron represents the Earth element and is associated with the Root chakra. Meditating with a cube helps to maintain focus, remove tension, and reduce physical stresses, as well as, connecting the energies of the land and nature.


The Octahedron has 8 triangular sides, 6 vertices and 12 edges and represents the Air element. It is associated with the Heart chakra, the centre of love and compassion. The shape of the octahedron assists with reaching a higher vibration of love, compassion, and healing. In working with the octahedron, we become more aware of our spiritual nature.


The Dodecahedron has 20 pentagon faces, 12 vertices and 30 edges. The dodecahedron is connected to the Ethers/Universe and works through the upper chakras (Crown, Third Eye and Throat Chakras.) It is an excellent meditation tool, as the energy held within that sacred form can raise your vibration to facilitate connection with your Higher Self. The dodecahedron allows us to go beyond the vibrations of the physical plane and connect with the highest vibrations of our true selves.


The Icosahedron has 20 faces, 12 vertices and 30 edges. Each face is an equilateral triangle. The icosahedron represents the element of Water and with the Crown chakra. Water symbolises flowing energy, movement, and change. This form can help in improving the creative thinking process and in removing emotional blocks from creative energies. It teaches us to “go with the flow”; allowing freedom of expression, creativity, and positive changes to flow easily through us.



Crystal and Energetic Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it. Information provided is metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. It should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent treatment, but one that is a part of a holistic healing approach.


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