A Magical and Enchanting addition to your home and crystal collection!


Our moto used to be “Healing for Mind, Body & Soul”, but since moving from Essex to Herefordshire our new moto is “Gardening for Mind, Body & Soul”.

We were given a beautiful closed terrarium as a house warming gift and it has activated something within us that was totally unexpected…but welcoming!

We now create our own little indoor gardens that incorporates the crystal kingdom…combining the healing vibes of plants with the unique properties of crystals. They are a Miniature World of Wonder that brings Nature’s Serenity into your home or office.


If you have bought a terrarium from us, or would like to commission a terrarium, here are some addition meanings to the crystal elements we add...

Mushrooms - represents prosperity of life and relationships with your environment. A symbol of enlightenment and personal growth, therefore helps with change. The stalk = spine, the cap =expansion. Connection to Mother Earth and her elements.

Rabbit - helps you to learn the lesson from your fears - feel the fear, breathe it, allow it to run through your body, down to your feet and out into Mother Earth. This helps to release any and all negative feelings, thoughts, or self-imposed barriers, and re-arrange your way of seeing the present situation. It is the way you handle problems that will allow you to succeed.

Fairies - plant a miniature garden for fairies and something magical happens! Stimulate your imagination and forward the child within us - helps with inner child work!

Dragon - most common meaning are to do with fortitude, courage and strength. The dragon spirit totem enters your life to enable you to reach your true potential. It can provide you with the metaphysical knowledge and insight you need.
You can get in touch with your dragon spirit by looking into your Inner-Being. There you’ll find the spiritual dragon deep within your Soul. The dragon can teach you how to be assertive and stand-up for yourself. They can help you access your hidden strength and courage.
Yooperlite dragon message - it’s time to rekindle your Soul’s Fire
Howlite dragon message - feel my calmness, it will enable you to listen to the wisdom of your higher self.

Angel - I embrace the one true currency of life - LOVE. I AM WORTHY.

Buddha - Peace Begins With Me! I relax, I breathe. I find wisdom and Inner Peace.








Tourmaline - I banish negative attachments within and without. I am purified, grounded, and entered upon the Earth.

Amber - aids balance and stability as you build the wisdom within.

Labradorite - I call forth the magic of my higher awareness.

Fossil Wood - I grow and evolve steadily with strength and patience, drawing from the lessons of my Soul's history.

Citrine - I open myself to the inspiration of my creative imagination. I manifest my dreams.

Moss Agate - I am balanced & stable, healthy & whole, and at home on the Earth.

Mixed crystal gravel - Stimulate your imagination and allow the magic to happen.